Big in Belgrade :) TEAC SCOOP 2015

The team of MediaKommando had the opportunity to take part in the Telecentre Europe Annual Conference which was held from 24th to 25th of September this year. We got there with the help of Telecentre Hungary and the Foundation for Community Networks, so we could prove ourselves in an international environment.

This year the conference took place in Belgrade – this is a very important information, since the conference is held in another city and country each year; last year’s conference was in Zagreb, Croatia and the next one will be in Belgium. The Telecentre of Belgrade found that Hyatt Regency should be the appropriate place for the conference, and the place turned out to be perfect for this purpose as well. Numerous NGOs and and/or private organizations had the chance to present their projects, good practices, and experiences during the conference. This wasn’t only possible in the Unite-IT workshops of various themes, but during the programmes such as the sightseeing bus tour on the evening of arrival, or the last night’s cocktail party, which was a great way of relaxation after the closing ceremony. Since we could get to this special event, we didn’t waste any time so we made our first instant newspaper in English language, and during the process we got to know many interesting and nice colleagues and experts from abroad. We were more than proud of our newspaper because it was very popular amongst the participants when they received the newspapers, also the organizers and their voices were as well presented in the articles.

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